Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Gospel According to Aloysius Jones

The Gospel According to Aloysius Jones
Jesus never walked on water
I should know, I saw, I was there
Jesus never walked on water
And he didn’t have straight brown hair
My name is Aloysius Jones
Just another bag of bones
But I was there, I saw it all
I saw the rise, I saw the fall
He only wanted what we all want
Someone to listen, someone to hold
Someone to light a fire when
The nights are long and cold
Some say he was a great man
Some say much more than that
Still, they killed him in the end
Don’t we treat all heroes like that
My name is Aloysius Jones
Just another bag of bones
But I was there, I saw it all
I saw the rise, I saw the fall
Did he rise from the dead
Or did his carcass rot to ash and dust
There’s only one rule in this world
If you live, then die you must
My name is Aloysius Jones
Just another bag of bones
But I was there, I saw it all
I saw the rise, I saw the fall